a concept and a mission

Experts agree: industrial companies need to make real changes in order to face contemporary challenges.  The ESG+R (environmental, social, governmental + resilience) framework provides the ideal strategy to respond to that need, enabling companies to evolve, develop and implement new ways to capitalize on their activities.

The cornerstone of 40NetZERO

It’s the foundation of our identity. ESG +R underlies our promise for a project with a positive social and environmental impact. It’s also what makes 40NetZERO the ideal platform for “Industry 4.0”: the new paradigm for companies that want to improve their performance through responsible and sustainable business practices.

Coming together to be the solution

We firmly believe that our model represents a concrete example of a highly sustainable industrial future. By bringing your company to the 40NetZERO campus, you’ll be taking part in a human-scale project where performance, environmental protection and social responsibility merge. Achieving harmony between these elements is essential to any company’s long-term future. Together, we are the solution.

Credibility with potential investors

Access to ESG+R market trends

Greater appeal to specialized talent

Promotes engagement in corporate culture

Optimized international visibility and reputation

Sustainable innovation at the heart of our actions

Targeted certifications

SITES certification promotes environmental sustainability, resource conservation, biodiversity, carbon emission reduction and human health.

LEED Zero Carbon certification rewards buildings that achieve zero net carbon emissions in their operations.

LEED certification is a rating system widely recognized for its international standard of excellence in sustainable building.

The health-affecting aspects of the built environment to improve occupant wellbeing while concomitantly benefiting employee performance, retention, and recruitment.

ZCB standards are a made-in-Canada framework that recognize the importance of building emissions in reaching national climate commitments. The ZCB standards define low-carbon design and operational performance for buildings.

B – Bâtiment multi-locataire
Disponible : 55 000 à 200 000
Livraison prévue : T4 2025