A business park project covering six million square feet of land could soon be created between Boulevard Henri-Bourassa and Boulevard Métropolitain, in Montreal East.
The real estate project of the entrepreneur MET-HB-Properties sec proposes the development of a business park bringing together companies from the fields of agri-food, transport and logistics, e-commerce, clean technologies, technologies of the health and electrification.
The coveted land is located between Boulevard Henri-Bourassa to the north; Boulevard Métropolitain, to the south; rue Auger, to the west; the land of Esso Imperial, to the east.
Julie Larocque, director and coordinator of the project called 40NetZERO, confirmed this information in an interview with The duty, who first published the news. She specifies, however, that the details are “for the moment confidential”. MET-HB, which would own part of the site, is said to be in discussions with companies that own land with a view to establishing agreements. These could be announced in the “coming weeks”.
In interview with Subway, the mayor of Montreal East, Robert Coutu, said he could not comment on the details of the project because no memorandum of understanding was signed or approved by the council. However, he drops that it would be “a whole project”. More details should be communicated to this effect by the fall.
A few weeks ago, the Globocam company inaugurated its new 62,000 square foot facility within the perimeter targeted by the project. This heavy truck dealership is located at 11 275 boulevard Métropolitain.
An autonomous project in terms of energy?
In a brief presentation on the lobbyists’ website, the company MET-HB – Properties sec indicates that it wishes the City of Montreal-East to adopt a memorandum of understanding to obtain permission to construct industrial and commercial buildings there. She also wants to build a street on the site and have a bus stop installed there.
In addition, the company indicates that it will make a request toHydro-Quebec for it to proceed with the construction of distribution lines to supply the project. She wants this to be considered in Net metering (Net Metering).
According to the Hydro-Quebec website, this option implies that the owners would produce electricity themselves from a renewable source. Surplus energy would then be reinjected into the Hydro-Québec network in order to obtain credits in the form of kilowatt hours.